Thursday, May 13, 2010

FIFA World Cup 2010 Preliminary Squads Announced Today

Competing at a FIFA World Cup is invariably the highlight of any footballer’s career, and this week we discovered which players have moved a step closer to realising that dream. The final 23-man squads will not be known until 1 June, but this week coaches from each of the participating nations named the 30 players from which that ultimate decision will be made.

To view the provisional squads selected by all 32 finalists, just click on the link on the right-hand menu.

Midnight tonight Central European Time is the deadline for World Cup teams to submit their preliminary 30 man World Cup rosters. From there they’ll have to cut the squads down to 23 by June 1st. So if you’re not in the 30, you’re not in the 23. Which means today is the day it all starts to take shape.

Selected news items so far are that Francesco Totti, Luca Toni and Alessandro Nesta have all been left out of the 30 man Italy squad. Brazil coach Dunga cut to the chase and named his 23 with no Ronaldinho, no Roberto Carlos, no Ronaldo, no Adriano, no Neymar and no Alexandre Pato. He’ll name an additional seven later today, but it seems Dunga already knows who he wants to take. England coach Fabio Capello didn’t spring too many surprises, but did include internationally retired defender Jamie Carragher.

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